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Spring in Kyoto Kitayama
  • 2/27/1998 Sakashita, Shiga-pref.
    • Driving up north from Ohara, Kyoto along Saba-kaido, or mackerel trail through tunnels, we reached a small village, Sakashita. It's in the valley. We visited a potter, Tsutsui, there. He said, "We usually have snow at this time of the year, but the spring is just around the corner this year. " We actullay saw a lot of pussy willow on the river.
    • There're several old houses in his neighborhood, which are all vacant. We heard all are gone to live in the city. The road used to be so narrow that cars couldn't easily pass each other, but now tunnels have been constructed. However the villagers have moved out, and fireflies and fish have disappeared . "Some monkies, deers and raccoons dogs occasionally come down from the hills," he said. He's been living here alone for 9 years.